

A field trip committee organizes outings year round. In the Spring, Summer & Fall these outings are walks or hikes. In the Winter, naturalists don their snowshoes and continue to pursue their interests. All these outings are an opportunity for club members to get together and explore the natural world. These occasions are always congenial and highly enjoyable. Do participate!

These excursions are of varying levels of difficulty and are rated as follows:

  1. EASY – level ground and short distance.
  2. MODERATE – variable terrain, usually 3–4 hours long.
  3. DIFFICULT – full day hikes, involving challenging terrain.

Participants meet at Billy’s Restaurant unless indicated otherwise. From this location we car pool and if you share transportation, a contribution to the driver for gas is usually appreciated. The public is invited to participate in these field trips.


  • Please phone the leader of the outing a day or so beforehand.
  • Participants are expected to wear appropriate clothing and sturdy boots.
  • Carry a lunch and a drink.
  • Children are welcome but consult with the leader to determine if the trip is suitable.
  • Dogs not allowed on outings.

NOTE: Changes are often made. Check this website to ensure that the date and information is correct. Those people who are not members of VFFN must sign a waiver at the start of the trip.

2023 List of Outings

(Click on the name of the hike for more details)

Outing: Whipsaw Creek
July 28th, 2024
Meet at Riverside Centre at 10:00 AM

DESCRIPTION: John has decided that this weekend outing will be a visit to Whipsaw Creek.
The hike is a moderate one. Meeting at Riverside at the far end where we can still park. See you there at 10:00, Sunday, July 28th.

DATE: Sunday, July 28, 2024

Mtg. Place & Time: Riverside parking (far end) lot at 10:00 am.

Level of Difficulty: moderate

Hike Duration: 4 hours

Other: Dress appropriately, bring plenty of water, lunch, insect repellent, sun screen, etc.
For further info. email mhmasiel@gmail.com or phone 295 7154