A snowshoe hike is planned for Sunday, Jan. 15th, 2023.
Our destination is a familiar site, China Ridge but an added loop (Loop de Loup) that John added to the Viewpoint Route. It is moderate hike, taking about 3 to 4 hours. Bring a lunch.
If interested meet at the cattle guard at 9:30 am on the West China Creek Road. Carpooling can be arranged at that time.
It is advisable but not necessary to let us know that you are coming, in the event that you are late; we will wait for a bit.
Description of the hike: From the Longhouse, take the snowshoe trail, connect to Kaeden Tr. >>> then take the Parker Tr >>> to Fence Fun >>> continue on Parker Tr >>> then connect to the ViewPoint Tr. >>> from ViewPoint connect to Loop de Loup >>> which comes out at the Biffy >>> from the Biffy re-connect with the Parker Tr. back to Fence Fun >>> from Fence Fun connect with the Owen Tr. which goes back to the Bunny Hill and the parking lot.
For more info. email us at mhmasiel@gmail.com or phone 295-7154.
Hope to see you there.