Osoyoos & Environs

Photo by Sue Delatour

The first stop was the wild sagebrush expanses of the Nighthawk Road that leads to the US border, south of Cawston.  New vineyards and orchards are replacing the existing sagebrush continually; so this important habitat is rapidly declining. We spotted Brewer’s Sparrows, Mountain Bluebirds, Brewer’s Blackbirds, but no Sage Thrasher.  Heading to the summit of Richter Pass, golden bouquets of Arrow-Leaved Balsamroot abounded everywhere. As we drove, we spotted an American Kestrel on a roadside fence post; we stopped and watched with amazement as the poor bird valiantly tried to get airborne with a ground squirrel that almost matched it for size and probably exceeded it for weight.  It made as far as the next post, then the next, and then down to the ground to eat a well-deserved meal!

Leaving the Pass, we paused at Spotted Lake, a remarkable natural phenomena.  We turned off onto the Old Richter Pass road and turned right to a small lake where we spent a short time observing the waterfowl.  We sighted Redheads, Gadwall, Bufflehead, and Barrow’s Goldeneye. Meanwhile, whizzing above us, were Violet-green and Northern Rough-winged Swallows.  Due to spring run off, we decided not to take our chances getting in to Kilpoola Lake as the dirt road already had a “Road Closed” barrier across it.

Continuing down the road, we entered the Okanagan Valley.  The valley bottom, now home to famous vineyards and orchards, was originally a vast wetland, especially in spring.  It is now a mecca for birders, especially Road 22. Birding sighting opportunities abound. The hillside, behind the historic barns of the Haynes Ranch, is now a conservation area with hiking trails to the summit of the “Throne”.  We followed the canal side trail of the Okanagan River and saw Tree Swallows, Audubon Warblers, Blue Herons, Northern Shovelers, Hooded and Common Mergansers, a Wilson’s Snipe, and a Say’s Phoebe. Ken set up his scope, and we watched an Osprey sitting on its nest.

We forwent the hike to the throne and headed to Vaseux Lake.  Other than the impressive blind, there was little to see there.  We also forwent the stop at Tickleberry because of the lineup and headed for St. Andrew’s Golf Course.  Tiny streams were flowing down from melting snow making pools near the road. We stopped at one pool and saw Killdeer and a Greater Yellowlegs.  Through Ken’s scope we could see the slightly upturned three inch long beak that differentiates it from the Lesser Yellowlegs with its straight beak.  We stopped at White Lake with the hopes of seeing a Sage Thrasher, but it hadn’t been informed of our visit so it did not show up! However, we did see a small flock of American Pipits and even a Turkey Vulture.  According to Cathy Lahaie we saw a total of 40 species (actually saw not just heard)!

At lower elevations, the Arrow-Leaved Balsamroot was in glorious display, as were the Sagebrush Buttercups, Yellow Bells, Spring Beauty and Small-Flowered Woodland Stars.  Spring had definitely arrived in the Okanagan. It was a rewarding and satisfying outing.

Report by J. Henry; editing M. Masiel

Photo by M. Masiel

Looking for Spring in Keremeos

Photo by M. Masiel

Closer areas still being snow-covered, a small group of us set off down to Keremeos looking for Spring.  Our first stop was the turn off for the Red Bridge. We turned left and parked at the end of the old railway line trail that runs toward Keremeos.  After a few metres, the roar of the highway traffic diminished sufficiently for us to hear bird songs.

Along the trail, we noticed the flowers on black poplar trees and the sweet smell of spring buds.  After a few hundred yards, a couple of Audubon Warblers, Song Sparrows, Juncos and Spotted Towhees provided some interesting moments. Surprisingly, we saw no ducks on the adjoining wetland. We retraced our tracks and descended a trail from the old railbed towards the river.  Hiking through the Black Poplar river lined habitat we discovered a Bald Eagles’s nest with a bird at home. Using Ken’s “spotting scope” we all took a bird’s eye view! We had earlier seen the other half of the pair sitting atop a snag across the highway. Again we followed the trail along the river until we found another prominent trail leading back to our vehicles, a beautiful scenic interesting and highly recommended stroll (allow 1 hour).

Next we drove through Keremeos past the main grocery store and to the concrete plant.  From here, the rail bed continues down the valley, skipping the uninteresting downtown section.  Again using Ken’s scope, we watched a kestrel on a fence post actually dining on a just caught meadow vole! On the power wires, we watched many tittering violet green swallows. We meandered, like the river, crossed its flood plain and perched on riverside logs and ate our lunches, admiring the mist, snow covered mountains and expansive river views.  We chuckled at the California Quail running across our path. Back to our cars and off down the valley to the “amber lights” in Cawston. Turning right and then left and right again, we stopped at the road crossing of Ginty’s Pond, named after Ginty Cawston the founder of this village. This wetlands used to be more open water and early residents travelled by canoe to the post office and held winter skating parties.

Due to roadwork culverts the large pond is now mostly reed covered but we managed to see some American Wigeons and the ubiquitous Mallard before driving down to the end of the pond where we watched Hooded Mergansers.  From here another short stroll took us to the riverbank and back; we sighted a Pileated Woodpecker in this area. All in all, a few pleasant strolls with 20 species of birds identified we felt fortunate to have four seasons of nature at our doorstep or car door!

Report by John Henry

Photo by M. Masiel

Granite City Campground – Winter Picnic

Photo by M. Masiel

You couldn’t have asked for a more glorious, perfect day for a winter picnic. John spent time
clearing the picnic site and even shoveled a walkway to the outhouse! A disappointing number
of members showed up, only 4 (including myself) and 2 invited guests. This was the easiest
outing ever! It was easy, easy, and it could not have been made easier unless you wanted to be
carried on John’s back! Not that he would volunteer to do so.

The group took a short walk to the Tulameen River, only those that wanted; one person
volunteered to stay behind and tend the home fire. We saw numerous ravens and a couple of
Bald Eagles. Afterwards, we had lunch with a roaring fire in the fire pit that John had started an
hour before our arrival.

Everyone opted to pack up and return home, but John and I stayed behind and snowshoed the
perimeter of Granite City townsite. When we arrived in Princeton 37 years ago, we visited
Granite City. At that time more buildings were visible, now only remnants of 3 buildings remain
and all in a sad state of disrepair. It appears that some signage might be going up as we saw
some stakes demonstrating this. Reluctantly, leaving a beautiful sunny day behind, we headed
home. It may not make sense but enjoying such a day can only be done outdoors and enjoying

Allenby Area Snowshoe

Photo by M. Masiel

Not much remains of the Allenby townsite but it is an interesting area to visit for its natural aspects. It has great potential for snowshoeing and it was the starting point for interested naturalists. A vehicle was left at either end with the anticipation that the foresight would be welcomed at the end of the hike.

The hike began at the industrial remnants near the giant concrete circular concentrator. Starting by stepping on crunchy, crusty snow, the old mine foundry area posed interest, especially an old ponderosa pine snag festooned with giant steel cables and an old iron ladder and even an antique yard light. The tour guide led the group up a steep incline onto an old railway line which once led all the way to the copper mine. Walking south-west for a short distance, the scenery opened with snow-covered sagebrush and expansive views with smells evocative of summer. For this part of the outing snowmobiles had also used the old railway line, as well as elk, deer, coyote and possibly bobcat as indicative by their tracks as they too followed the railbed or crossed it at numerous points.

When the railway line finished, a 1 1/2 km walk ensued to reach the second part of the hike. The trailhead was an old trail descending around landslip knolls which were old drilling sites for zeolite and bentonite (old volcanic ash deposits). Staying on higher ground, thus climbing a considerable amount, for wonderful vistas of the surrounding countryside. The hike was an up and down affair, although there is an old, logging road that could have been used but the views were worth the effort. There were majestic Ponderosa Pines to marvel at and the ever informative guide pointed out this was the case because it prefers drier, warmer and lower elevation, unlike its cousin the Douglas Fir which favours the opposite. Eventually, the Similkameen River came into view, with its giant ice floes and rushing water. Another feature of this area is the hillside which is slowly sliding downwards, leaving exposed giant cracks and exposed outcrops of sedimentary sand and mudstone that contain many Eocene fossils. Two Bald Eagles wheeled overhead and a Red-tailed Hawk was seen viewing the landscape for a possible meal. The total kilometres snowshoed was five taking four hours to complete. It was a leisurely stroll through nature’s wonderland.

Photo by M. Masiel

Kaeden Trail Snowshoe

Photo by M. Masiel

Snowshoe Outing: Kaeden Snowshoe Trail: China Ridge Trails

China Ridge Recreation Area is a great area for winter activities, amongst them is snowshoeing. The Area is located about 9 kms from town on the West China Creek Road. It is simple to get there; follow the road to Coalmont, turn on West China Creek Road, follow this road until it finishes at a parking lot and at the China Ridge Longhouse, a facility open to the public located at the trailhead. The main winter activity at China Ridge is cross country skiing. The trails are groomed and the public is reminded to use these trails only for skiing. There are separate trails for snowshoeing and for skiing with dogs.

The trailhead for the Kaeden Snowshoe Trail starts at the fence to the extreme right; a sign showing a snowshoer marks the beginning. This trail is definitely separate from the ski trail or the dog trail. A steep beginning, it eventually levels out. This trail crosses the main ski trails and care must be taken to do as little damage as possible to the ski trails. The Kaeden Snowshoe Trail meanders through a wooded area parallel to the China Loop Cross Country Ski Trail. Trees bowed by snow posed a fantastic winter scene. The terrain is somewhat varied making it more interesting that just flat expanses. Track evidence of deer, elk, snowshoe hare and shredded bark tree marking showing antler rubbing activity were seen; as well, Pine Grosbeaks were spotted along the way. A person can cut the trip short by taking the short cut and returning back to the parking lot or continuing on to China Loop Shelter.

Here, the tour leader, John Henry, had a fire going, having skied to the site prior and then returning to greet the group doing the hike. Arriving too early for lunch the group decided to add an additional loop that brought them back to the shelter to have lunch. From the shelter, it is possible to do a return trip using a different trail that also parallels the ski trail. The tranquility and the beauty of nature makes this outing a worthwhile venture. The snowshoe trail is 4 kilometres in total and takes about 2 hours to do.

Photo by M. Masiel

White Lake to Mahoney Lake

Photo: White Lake to Mahoney Lake (2017)
Photo by John Henry

A beautiful Spring day greeted us at White Lake as we started on our hike down to Mahoney Lake. This region is sagebrush and ponderosa pine, quite different ecology from Princeton. The White Lake formation is Eocene lava flows and fossiliferous shales from over 35 million years ago. This area is referred to as grasslands and is under the Nature Conservancy stewardship.

We saw many wildflowers, some of which we struggled to identify; some so small that a magnifying glass would have been helpful. The Sage Buttercups, Sage Bluebells (a new species for our group), and Spring Beauties were in great profusion. They provided a wonderful canvas of delicate colours amongst the sagebrush.

The birders recognized 38 species, including 12 white pelicans overhead and higher still a lone Sandhill Crane. We were delighted by the Audubon Warbler (butter butts, as the Lahaies call them), the Nashville Warbler, the Hairy Woodpecker, the Nuthatches, and others as they flickered in and out of trees. After our 6 kilometre stroll (I think that the hike will be classified as easy for next time) we reached Mahoney Lake with its deadly poisonous hydrogen sulphide layer, a very strange natural wonder. The wild asparagus, a few stems that were found, were later cooked and were declared absolutely delicious. We finished our outing with a trip to Tickleberry for ice cream to restore our strength.

Rock Ridge Knoll or Little Darcy Mountain

Photo: Rock Ridge Knoll
Photo by Mary Masiel

It was a spectacular sunny day, Saturday Feb. 28th at August Lake, as 13 naturalists set out on their outing. It was decided earlier that snowshoes would not be needed as much of the snow was gone, but poles were advised for the icy sections that we would encounter. We took a small logging road south of August Lake and began climbing to reach our destination of Rock Ridge Knoll, a name invented for this outing, but locally known as Little Darcy Mountain. Along the way John Henry gave us a short explanation of timber cruising as we passed a “growth and yield” station. As we walked across the sunny side hills John pointed out that the terrain we were viewing, i.e. the side hills, were left as boulder clay remnants from the end of glaciation. Along the way we came upon an outcropping of rocks containing copper. It was a lovely sight to see all the green and bluey green specimens glistening in the mid morning sun. As we crisscrossed the hills to reach the top, there was plentiful evidence of elk tracks and droppings. Unfortunately, we didn’t see any elk, but a herd of 25 was sighted earlier in the week. All around us we were surrounded by beautiful vistas of snow covered hills or just bared hills. We reached the first knoll, and from out vantage position, we could see the buildings of Rock Ridge and the frozen Lorne Lake below. We meandered across a snow covered hill to reach a second knoll equally spectacular as the first and settled down for lunch. Our return trip took us through an open forest to join an old logging trail, and we carefully made our way down to August Lake.

French Mine

Photo: French Mine
Photo by Janis Wright

Vermilion Forks Field Naturalists traveled up Nickel Plate Mountain on Oct. 24th to explore the old French Mine site, a busy location in the 1950s, and last mined in the 1980s. We began our hike a few kilometers up the road, and fifteen of us trekked along a trail already in use by several cows and calves. Our bovine companions were unsettled by our presence, and tried to keep ahead, with laggards ultimately jostling us as they pushed their way to the front. We felt as though we were herding cattle as we made our way to the mine!

Eventually we reached an old ore bin, a tall, free standing structure with a chute at the bottom for loading ore onto trucks, and we scrambled up a sharp incline to reach the mine shaft. John Henry, our leader on this outing, pointed out a nearby layer of limestone originally formed in the mid to late Triassic period, 225-250 million years ago, and showed us a small nugget of gold he discovered in the area decades ago. Another member of our group recalled when he and his buddies used greased brooms to whiz down the mountainside on tram tracks!

We continued upward along a narrow trail and then challenged our physical prowess by struggling up a couple of steep slopes, almost as agile as mountain goats! This brought us to an upper area of the mine site that is cavernous due to extensive excavation. We spent some time exploring the caves, eating lunch, and reliving past adventures. Back on the trail, we continued to enjoy spectacular views of the valley from many points. Once again, this was a hike filled with laughter, song and camaraderie.